Dark Kiss by Michelle Rowen

One kiss can change everything.
Samantha's never been special. She's always the girl who blends in the background. Until one kiss from unattainable crush Stephen. Now suddenly every guy in school is clamouring for her number. But Samantha's new-found popularity comes at a dangerously high price - a desperate need to devour human souls.

Enter Bishop - a street kid with secrets as intense as his unearthly blue eyes. He's immune to her mesmerising new power - and her only hope of salvation. But to defeat a terrifying  demonic threat, they'll need to give in to the darkness inside of them.
Once you've embraced the dark, can you ever go back again?

                                 My rating - 2.5

My Review
I only rate this book 2.5 stars because I hated the protagonist. Everybody keeps telling her that she's "special" but I don't see anything special about her - she's annoying, whiny and has an unhealthy obsession with Bishop. In one scene where Sam witnesses Bishop stab somebody with a knife, what does she do? Instead of running away which everybody with any sense would have done, she still wants to be around him. Am I the only one who thinks this is strange? You saw him kill somebody for goodness sake!

When Sam and Bishop kept on rambling on about how much they love each-other I was constantly rolling my eyes. I mean, come on, you don't fall in love with someone when you've only just met. Their "relationship" was cliche and unbelievable. I did like Bishop's brother Kraven; he was hilarious and he was the only character that didn't make me want to tear my hair out. There were a number of side-characters but they were easily forgettable and I can't even remember most of their names.

The climax was interesting, but towards the end I found myself skimming through and sometimes even skipping pages. I lost so much interest that I couldn't wait for it all to end.  Oh and is it bad that I was rooting for the bad guy? Yes, I think it is. When I finished I was like "hooray!!"

I will not be picking up the sequel. Thank god I picked up Dark Kiss from the library.